Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Ingredients of Life

wadefak is tat? well, dat is one of my blog gak. haha. i made it as preparation if any of my family members asking me my blog. gagagaga. takkan gila babi pulak aku nak kasik dis one. dis is only for songsang community okeh. kang family aku nampak hal-hal rahsia kehidupan songsang aku kang ade pulak yang mati mengejut sbb terkejut. so i rather make this as a big little secret between me, you-who read-this and the songsang community.

blog tu aku tak tulis banyak pun. tapi mostly about my boring life outside the community la.. and honestly i tell u, that is not the true me. agagggaag~ why ah? because - read it urself. very boring one. tapi aku stil suka, sebab kat blog yang tu aku buat macam format. format ape? format la. aku benarkan diri aku menaip beberapa baris jer. maksudnya entri pendek2 la...pastu  at the end of each entry, i'll put 'The End'. macam epik sikit. hey, you know what? aku rasa aku macam dh pernah je cerita pasal blog tu kat sini tau. where is it ha? 

***gerombah almari blog mencari entri lama***

Eh, mane entah? tak jumpa pun.. hm gasaklah. peduli hapa aku. kahkahkahkahakhahhh ^___^

oh oh and by the way, i just said 'read it urself' but where the hell is the thing aite? hahhaa ok it's here bebeh!

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